TUCSON – Congressman Juan Ciscomani has launched a new ad campaign that will broadcast in both English and Spanish. The ad highlights his commitment to addressing key issues standing in the way of Arizonans achieving the American Dream.

As an immigrant who has lived the American Dream firsthand, Rep. Ciscomani is a staunch advocate for policies that bolster the quality of life for American families. His legislative work in Congress reflects a commitment to bipartisan, common-sense solutions that positively impact the people of Arizona.

"Our American Dream is about ensuring every family in Arizona can thrive without undue financial stress," said Rep. Ciscomani. "This means taking decisive action to support our veterans, protect our seniors, secure the border, and make everyday living affordable again. It’s time for Washington to prioritize the well-being of the American people and restore the meaning of the American Dream."



English Script:

My parents, sisters, and I immigrated here for a shot at the American Dream.

It all started in a two-bedroom apartment in Tucson,

All five of us and we worked really hard.

But today, it feels that hard work just isn’t enough.

Prices have surged, and salaries haven’t. 

We’re told everything is okay, but food, gas, and medicine - it all costs more.

I’m focused on solutions – 

Curbing spending

Protecting Medicare and Social Security

Supporting our veterans

And securing the border. 

I’m Juan Ciscomani, and for the American Dream, I approve this message. 


Spanish Script:

Mis padres, mis hermanas y yo emigramos a los Estados Unidos por el sueño americano.

Todo empezó en un apartamento de dos recámaras aquí en Tucson, y trabajamos duro.

Pero ahora parece que el trabajar duro ya no es suficiente.

Los precios siguen subiendo, pero los salarios nos suben.

Nos dicen que todo está bien, pero la comida, la gasolina, la medicina, todo cuesta más.

Yo estoy enfocado en soluciones, cortar gastos de gobierno, proteger Medicare y seguro social y asegurar la frontera.

Soy Juan Ciscomani y por el sueño americano, apruebo este mensaje.


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