Congressman Juan Ciscomani Releases New Ad Showcasing Effective Leadership and Bipartisan Results

TUCSON – Congressman Juan Ciscomani's campaign has released a new ad titled "Results," set to air across Arizona's 6th Congressional District. The ad emphasizes Congressman Ciscomani's commitment to effective leadership, bipartisan cooperation, and delivering real results for Arizonans.

In the ad, Ciscomani contrasts his proactive approach with the gridlock in Washington, highlighting pressing issues such as inflation, border security, government spending, and national debt.

"Arizonans are tired of empty talk and partisan bickering that leads nowhere," said Ciscomani. "I was ranked Arizona’s most bipartisan member of Congress because I am dedicated to cutting through the noise and focusing on real solutions. By working across the aisle,  I've secured federal funding for vital projects—enhancing our water infrastructure, improving roadways, and strengthening our schools—and made tangible progress on critical issues like border security and economic growth. I will continue working tirelessly across party lines to deliver the results our community deserves."

Ciscomani’s record in Congress has shown his willingness to deliver results for the community and district he represents. His focused has remained on the issues. When Ciscomani’s bill to impose federal penalties on high speed chases was voted on on the House floor, 56 Democrats voted in support. Ciscomani has introduced 10 veteran bills all with bipartisan cosponsors. And Ciscomani has provisionally secured over $60 million for local projects and priorities across all 5 counties. 

Ciscomani’s opponent, Kirsten Engel, also has a record. While in the state legislature, Engel’s record shows her unwillingness to prioritize the main issues impacting Arizona’s 6th congressional district: the border, the economy, and public safety. Engel voted against the Border Strike Force, against commending the men and women of Border Patrol for their dedication and sacrifice, and was one of two state legislators who voted against ensuring police officers’ due process rights are respected in an investigation against them.

Ciscomani has a track record he is proud of and that is endorsed by over 40 local leaders, electeds, police, sheriffs, small businesses, and organizations.


Narrator - ‘The politicians and partisans in Washington talk so much,

But get nothing done.

They gave us soaring inflation,

A border crisis,

Massive government spending and debt

And we’re paying the price.'

Ciscomani - 'Well, I take a different approach.

I’m ranked Arizona’s most bipartisan member of Congress

And I’m the most effective

Endorsed by border patrol agents, police, small businesses,

And dozens of Sheriffs, Mayors, and local leaders. 

I’m Juan Ciscomani and I approve this message.’


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